I shared a super secret message, I hope it’s secure.
Tools Used
- Wireshark
- aircrack-ng
- CyberChef
Initial Analysis
Opening “dump-05.cap” in WireShark revealed numerous 802.11 packets transmitted among 4 or 5 devices, but no packets contained meaningful information.
I inspected the protocol hierarchy and found the “802.1X” Authentication protocol listed. Filtering for this protocol uncovered 8 EAPOL packets, indicating that I could exploit the 4-way handshake to obtain the network passkey.
Step 1: Crack the Key Executed the command:
aircrack-ng -z -w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ~/CTF/TUCTF24/forensics/dump-05.cap
This allowed me to crack the hash and reveal the plaintext password: youwontguessit92
Step 2: Decrypt Traffic
Set the obtained password as the WPA decryption key in WireShark under Preferences > IEEE 802.11 > Decryption Keys
as wpa-pwd
This made the traffic much clearer, revealing FTP data being transferred.
Step 3: Export FTP Objects Exported the FTP objects, which included the file “secret.txt”.
Upon opening, it contained the message:
"Here's my super secret flag, I made it extra secure ;) 1KZTi2ZV7tO6yNxslvQbjRGL54BsPVyskwv4QaR29UMKj".
Step 4: Decode the Flag Input the encoded string into CyberChef and decoded it using Base62.
The result was the flag: TUCTF{w1f1_15_d3f1n173ly_53cure3}
- Flag: